The Photography Tour

Hey there! We are giving you a heads-up that the photography tour follows the same route as the regular tour. We’ve made the photography tour three hours instead of two because we’ve noticed that people with cameras tend to take a bit longer at each stop. We want everyone to have a great time, so we want to ensure you know that before you book.

Keys to the Prison

From left to right in the picture: Jeff Conklin, Vice President of the Lansing Historical Society and Museum; Debra Bates-Lamborn, President; Gloria Geither, the Deputy Secretary of Facility Management for the Kansas Department of Corrections; Todd Thompson, Leavenworth County Attorney; and Senator Jeff Pittman. Senator Pittman played a crucial role in the Historical Society's acquisition of the prison for tours. of the prison for tours.

On Monday, September 9, 2024, a historical moment unfolded in front of Tower One at the Kansas State Penitentiary. This institution, with a rich history dating back to 1859, has been a significant part of our community. In a gesture of utmost respect and honor, Gloria Geither, the Deputy Secretary of Facility Management for the Kansas Department of Corrections, who has been a guiding force since the beginning, handed over the keys to the institution.

On Friday the 13th, we are opening the doors of the Kansas State Penitentiary for a unique and unforgettable experience. You can secure your spot for this rare opportunity at The tours will be running throughout September, with the last one of the season on October 26th.

Don’t miss out on a truly historic event – the first annual “Behind the Walls” car show. This exclusive event, a rare opportunity to step inside KSP, will be held on Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Be sure to mark your calendars for this unique glimpse into the history of the Kansas State Penitentiary.

“Behind the Walls” a car show

Lansing Historical Society will open Kansas State Penitentiary for Tours.

Lansing Historical Society Announces Exciting Developments for Kansas State
Penitentiary Site

Lansing, KS — The Lansing Historical Society is excited to provide updates on the development at the former Kansas State Penitentiary. First proposed to the Lansing Historical Society by Kansas Senator Jeff Pittman and his wife, Leavenworth Mayor Pro Tem Holly Pittman, the proposed development – inspired by the Missouri State Penitentiary’s work – has the potential to not only save the Penitentiary from demolition and reduce the financial burden on taxpayers, but also to transform it into a thriving hub for tourism, attracting visitors from all over.

“After a comprehensive tour of the prison and a thorough understanding of the potential it holds, we unanimously agreed that this was an opportunity not to be missed,” said the Lansing Historical Society, showing their full support for the project.

The Kansas Department of Corrections and the Lansing Historical Society recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Historic Kansas State Penitentiary Site.
Additionally, Senator Pittman secured state funding to stabilize the roof and walls while partners develop a comprehensive plan for the site.

“The former Penitentiary has so much history – Johnny Cash performed for prisoners there in 1970, it’s the site of some of the highest profile executions in Kansas history, and the stories from the guards and inmates from the prison’s founding during the Civil War provide a unique story that deserves to be told,” Senator Jeff Pittman said. “We’re working with stakeholders to develop branding and acquire historical artifacts to present this rich history in a compelling way to visitors.”

The project has already attracted national attention. The Discovery Channel is planning a 2-hour special at the Kansas State Penitentiary to air on Halloween. The first annual “Behind the Walls” car show is a unique event inside the prison wall of the old Penitentiary, which is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. And the Lansing Historical Society is developing a new website for ticket sales in the works, and a raffle for ten lucky winners, who will be the first to tour the prison, is on the horizon.

Waiver and Release of Liability

Before entering the Kansas State Penitentiary, tourists are required to sign a waiver and release of liability. A copy of the waiver will be available for signing at the Museum at 115 E. Kansas Avenue. However, if you would like to review it beforehand, we have posted it here for your convenience.

The tours will begin at the Lansing Historical Society and Museum, 115 East Kansas Ave.

The Museum

Located on the front lawn of the former Kansas State Penitentiary, the Lansing Historical Society and Museum is a beacon of our community’s unique history. It preserves and shares the rich heritage of our town, woven through the threads of industry—railroads, Prisons, and Mining.
What sets our Museum apart? It’s not just a museum, it’s a journey through time. Housed in a fully restored 1887 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway depot, a pivotal player in our country’s railroad history, the Museum offers a unique experience. Our collection of photographs, spanning from the early days of the prisons in the area to the school pictures dating back to 1908, is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts.

Mission Statement

Our mission is clear: to share the rich history of Delaware Township. We do this through our historic Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway depot and our extensive collections. Our dedication to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting authentic historical materials is what sets us apart.
Our Museum is more than just a collection of artifacts. We’re on a mission to preserve the history of Delaware Township, the Town of Progress, the City of Lansing, the Kansas State Penitentiary at Lansing, and the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, KS. Through our extensive collection of photographs and artifacts, we aim to broaden the public’s historical knowledge and keep these important stories alive.

Trains and Trolleys

At the height of the Civil War, with unity so much on his mind, President Abraham Lincoln sought a way to connect and secure the great expanse of our nation. It came in the form of the transcontinental railroad. With it came a host of smaller railroads going through towns like Lansing, Maltby, Pope, Ettenson, Delaware, Richardson, Wadsworth, and Bain City. Some of these towns are but a memory today. Lansing saw all of these railroads making their way through Delaware Township, including the Kansas City-Western Railway Co. From timetables to engineering documents, maps to books, we offer a wealth of railroad information.
The Museum keeps those memories alive with newspaper articles from the day, artifacts, and historical photographs.

The Coal Mines

The discovery of coal in the area opened up three coal mines in Delaware Township: Carr, Brighton, and the prison. Kansas State Prison mined coal for years, using this rich ore to fuel not only the prison but also many of the state buildings.

Kansas State Penitentiary

The Kansas State Penitentiary in Lansing is one of the oldest correctional institutions in the country. It started as early as 1859 when the Constitution of Territorial Kansas authorized it. Architect Erasmus T. Carr, inspired by the Illinois State Prison at Joliet, designed the prison, and construction took five years, starting in 1864. In its early days, the prison mandated that all officials live nearby, and a town known as the Town of Progress grew around the prison.

Until 1965, KSP conducted hangings for state, federal, and military prisoners. Lowell Andrews, a University of Kansas student, murdered his parents and sister in the Wolcott, Kansas family home on November28, 1958 and he would be executed in 1962.

Perry Smith and Richard Hickock followed him to the gallows on April 14, 1965. They were found guilty of killing four members of the Clutter family of Holcomb, Kansas. The murders were the subject of Truman Capote’s novel, In Cold Blood.

George York and James Latham would be the last to hang on the gallows of KSP. They were two privates found guilty of a killing spree in 1961 and were hung from the gallows June 22, 1965.

The infamous gallows once occupied a corner of the warehouse before being dismantled and acquired by the Kansas State Historical Society.

The infamous gallows once occupied a corner of the warehouse before being dismantled and acquired by the Kansas State Historical Society.

Perry Smith

Richard “Dick” Hickock

History of
Delaware Township

Two women dash before the camera at the intersection of Main and Richardson Road in Lansing. Richardson was later renamed Eisenhower Road.

Delaware Township, home to the towns of Lansing, Progress, Brighton, Delaware, Richardson, Morgantown, Xavier, Wadsworth, and Bain City, is the heart of our community’s history. The Lansing Historical Society and Museum celebrates the unique stories of these communities through our extensive collections, ensuring that their contributions are never forgotten.
In the 1880s, L.V. Harkness, vice president of Standard Oil, began buying hundreds of acres of land there. He built the Brighton Mine, the Brighton Mine Railroad, and the town of Brighton because he said he saw the promise of a profitable future. The Brighton miners ultimately went on strike, and the owner closed it.
Cattle farms and apple orchards flourished in the rolling hills that made up the countryside. One of those ranches was the Ryan Brothers Cattle Farm. The four brothers were nationally known for their cattle and the thousands upon thousands of acres of land they owned in California, Texas, Montana, and Kansas. Matt Ryan would die a tragic death while riding his horse on the farm. The place of his death is now the site of Lansing High School.
It was said that George C. Richardson was the first child born in Leavenworth. George would be a business success with the Missouri Valley Orchard Company and the Carr Mine.

“Honorable Turner W. Bell, the greatest Habeas Corpus Lawyer of the West”

The Lansing Historical Society and Museum recently erected a sign in front of the museum at 115 E. Kansas, Lansing, Ks., recognizing the achievements of local legend T.W. Bell, attorney at law.

“Honorable Turner W. Bell, the greatest Habeas Corpus Lawyer of the West” wrote the Kansas City Son in a news article referring to Bell’s defense of three labor union dynamiters. The title would stick with him throughout his 61-year career, as he would total more than 1,400 habeas corpus cases. He would practice in every court of appeals in the eight states of the judicial districts.

Turner William Bell was born into slavery at Corinth, Mississippi, April 1, 1857, according to his death records. He was the second eldest of 11 children who lived to adulthood.

At the outbreak of the Civil War, Corinth became the focus of both Union and Confederate forces because two major railroads, the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, running east and west, and the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, running north and south, crossed in Corinth’s downtown.

According to Department of Iowa Grand Army of the Republic, Peter Bell (T.W.’s father), was freed after the battle of Corinth and joined the 110th United States Colored Infantry as a private. Records show he was mustered out of the service in 1865. The Bell family then moved to Dallas County, Iowa.

They settled on a farm near Adel, Iowa, where young Turner would attend school in a mostly Quaker populated area. Bell would excel in school, graduating with honors from high school. He would graduate from Drake University with a law degree, becoming the first African-American to be sworn into the Iowa Bar Association.

There are mixed reports as to when Bell joined the Leavenworth County Bar. He first appears in a Leavenworth City directory in 1887 with a law practice listed at 416 Delaware. Numerous newspaper reports refer to Bell being sworn into the Leavenworth County Bar by Judge William C. Hook in 1886.

Over the next few years, Bell would move to different offices throughout downtown Leavenworth. Several of those office buildings are still there today. It was from this secure base that Bell would indulge in his “hobby” of freeing prisoners from state and federal prisons. It is estimated that he freed more than 1,500 people. Today, habeas corpus cases are widely used to restore freedom to those who are imprisoned or in other forms of custody under state or federal institutions.

In 1915 Bell’s offices were located in the prestigious Wulfekuhler Building, along with other attorneys, according to the City Directory of that year. Bell is listed as the only ‘colored’ attorney practicing law in Leavenworth.   

Kansas Defense Society T.W. Bell is seated far right, B.K. Bruce is third to his left.
Securing the names of the other gentleman is a work in progress.

Bell would join the newly formed Kansas Defense Society in 1918 as legal counsel. The society was an organization instituted for “the purpose of testing the constitutional rights of the race along civil, political and other lines that may be necessary to bring about justice and sentiment in behalf of the race in this country,” The Topeka Plaindealer, 29 Nov., 1918.

The Kansas Defense Society, of which there were eight members from Leavenworth, was formed after the court martial and hangings of 19 soldiers of the 24th Infantry at Fort Sam Houston, Texas December 1917 for their participation in the Houston Riots of 1917. A Military court-martial at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, found 118 enlisted men guilty, 63 of those men were given life sentences at the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth. Bell would file a writ of habeas corpus in the United States Supreme Court for the release of those men. In arguing the case, Bell would cite that the order of the court martial was not in accordance with law as set out in the court martial manual and that at the time of the riot, the men were not doing soldier duty for the United States Army and the country was not at war at the time, The Leavenworth Times, May 23, 1920.

It would be through the efforts of Congressman D.R. Anthony, Jr., of Leavenworth and T.W. Bell that the life sentences of these convicted men would be commuted to sentences of ten to 15 years.

Bell married Elizabeth “Lizzie” Patterson in Leavenworth in January 1890, according to marriage license records. As the wife of T.W. Bell, Lizzie was very active in social and political circles. In 1909 she was elected as president of the State Federation of colored women’s club and in 1915 she was a delegate to the Northwestern Federation of States for Colored Women held in Chicago. Her mother Martha would live with the couple at 744 Kickapoo until her death at the age of 100 years in 1924.  A story appeared in The Leavenworth Times, July 9, 1920, about Martha. She had walked from her residence at 744 Kickapoo to the voter’s registration office at the Leavenworth County Court House, where she registered herself to vote in the next election. And after resting a bit, she walked back home.  The U.S. Senate had just approved the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919, giving women the right to vote.

Bell would continue to practice law until he was the oldest member of the Leavenworth County Bar at the age of 91. Bell died August 25, 1948.

Early Day Pioneer

John Biringer, Gunmaker

As pioneers made their way into Kansas Territory, there was an immediate need for firearms and gunsmiths. They were in need of reliable firearms for not only hunting, but for their protection as well. During the years of Bleeding Kansas the atmosphere on the streets of Leavenworth was tense and violence would erupt easily as different points of view would clash over the question of Kansas as a Free State.

John Biringer was one of those early day pioneers who brought his trade and craft of making firearms to Leavenworth, a trade he would pass along to his sons. He was part of the ‘Free Staters” who came to Leavenworth on steamboats and wagons from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Western Ohio, according to H. Miles Moore, Early History of Leavenworth City and County.

John Biringer was born in Prussia in 1830 and immigrated to the United States in 1847 after he had completed an apprenticeship in gun making, according to the U.S. Census.  He arrived in Philadelphia, Pa where he went to work for George Tryon and his son Edward. It is here that he learns to make the Pennsylvania rifle, which was a long rifle characterized by an unusually long barrel, according to Henry J. Kauffman, The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle. In those days an apprentice would sometimes work for credit and not money. “When I came West, I brough about 300 guns with me and with these I started in business in Leavenworth,” said Biringer in a newspaper interview for the Leavenworth Times.

Biringer would marry German born Fredricka Messig in 1854, according to the Kansas Historical Society, Cool Things – Gunsmithing Tools. Their first two children were born in Pennsylvania, George in 1856 and Josephine in 1858. He reads in the newspapers of the day about the opportunities to be had in the West. One particular article spoke of Leavenworth and how the soldiers at Fort Leavenworth were being outfitted to go to Utah and put down the trouble in Utah, according to the Leavenworth Times. Within four years they relocate to Leavenworth which is still part of Kansas Territory where Biringer opens up his own gunsmith shop. In the U.S. City Directory of 1862 he is located at 109 Shawnee, which would be 109 lots from the river in the old numbering system. The middle of the block on the south side between Fourth and Fifth Streets would be today’s location. He was one of four gunsmiths according to the directory.

In 1877, John Biringer would sit before the camera of A.C. Nichols and have his ambroytype made along with his son George who was celebrating his 21st year.

George Biringer age 21, photo by A.C. Nichols

George had learned the trade of gunsmithing at an early age from his father, who by that time was operating out of 601 Shawnee.  In the 1874 Leavenworth City Directory, George is listed as a gunsmith working for J. Biringer, Gun and Locksmith. He was 17 years old.

It was not all work and no play as George grew up, he was the oldest of 12 in the Biringer Family and as such he had more liberties.

One summer night in August of 1878, while out on the town with his friends Louis Fieger, George Opel, and Julius Miller, all gainfully employed as cigar makers at Simmons and Staiger, they made their rounds through downtown Leavenworth serenading second floor residence along the way at 2:30 in the morning. One of those establishments was still open and operating in the wee hours of the morning, The Leavenworth Times. According to the editor, the Times office was besieged by these gentlemen who were on a serenading tour. The instruments consisted of a violin, piccolo, guitar and harmonica, and “the melodious airs rendered by them helped to close the labors of the week as pleasantly as a beautiful dream”, The Times, August 8, 1878.

In the early 1880’s Biringer married Louise Goenner of Leavenworth. Her father was William Goenner, a cigar maker at Simmons and Staiger, a place that was all too familiar to Biringer.

Their first child, William P. was born in 1883 and their second, George W., in 1888 and neither of them would be taught the trade of gunsmithing.

June 12, 1897 the residence of Col. Andrew Jackson Smith, Governor of the Western Branch of the Soldiers Home, was dynamited in an assassination attempt on Gov. Smith’s life, according to The Times. The amount of explosives used was great for it was reported that residents of the city had their houses trembling from the shock of it as if the earth was moving below them. The full force of the explosion tore away one side of the house. Fortunately no one was killed, but Mrs. Smith did sustain some injuries.

The explosives used in the explosion had come from John Biringer’s gun shop, according to The Times. Several nights before the explosion, Biringers powder magazine had been robbed and it was believed that the robber was the one who caused the explosion.

More later….